We recommend taking a profiling session that will perform a quick check on which modules you should learn in the first place.
If you rather prefer to access the modules, you are more than welcome to do so!

Module 1 - "My money are mine - how can I manage my budget – basics of finance“
We would start our discussions about money with this quote, remembering to us that we are expected to use our „driving license„, and be responsible in managing our journeys.
We pay for services and goods, we pay taxes and debts, we pay salaries or we get salaries for our work, money are present in our daily life, as a medium of exchange, and it would be difficulty to imagine a day without money.
Module 2 - “Oh no! Another bill to pay! – how can I count my expenditures”
It is not easy to manage a budget. But each of us must face it. Some people are doing better, others worse. This is influenced by many factors. However, the biggest problem is when we run out of money to pay our bills because of our financial mismanagement. It is worth making sure that there are no such situations or that they happen really rarely. How do you do that? You’ll find that out in this module.

Module 3 - "The bank is not as black as it is painted - how to read financial documents"
We often fear something we do not know. Then it seems very difficult to us, and in fact it turns out to be very simple. Nowadays, banking has developed a lot. Modern technologies have entered the market, which certainly make many activities very easy. In this section you will learn about the basic possibilities that are worth using on a daily basis. It is also impossible to omit the financial documents we deal with on a daily basis, as well as the taxes that accompany us in practically all aspects of life (direct or indirect). Knowledge of the basics always works for the benefit of man.
Module 4 - "Assessing learners skills and competences”
Assessment is an important part of a training course. Without you might not really know where to start (referring to learners’ prior knowledge / skills / competences or their expectations) or if the course has achieved its goals (referring to learners’ achieved knowledge/ skills/ competences or their expectations) or any course related improvement possibilities (referring to online training provision and bugs, organisational or delivery problems etc.).

Module 5 - “Creating awareness on validation of the acquired competences”
The validation process has an objective: to give visibility to someone’s learning process. This learning process is usually done in non-formal contexts, that have nothing to do with the traditional formal educational backgrounds such as the educational degrees (school, university and master’s degrees). The learning process can take place at home, in your job, or maybe during leisure activities, and people tend to forget this.