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Assessing learners´ skills and competences

Final assessment tools

The following assessment tools are recommended for the final assessment in the FIL course.


Situational judgment tests

Finance in daily life also considers aspects related to behaviour and might ask for behavioural changes. To consider this also in assessment, teachers could perform situational judgement tests bringing practical context – from work-related situations e.g. – into assessment.

They could ask learners – orally or in writing – to rate specific responses and evaluate them according to the replies. A checklist indicating best answers will help in the result analysis.


Observations can help to assess knowledge, skills and behavioural aspects. When implemented with care, they can also bring motivational aspects for participants.


Teachers should set up criteria to focus during observational practices since the aspects might be overwhelming to them.

Recommended example/ further reading:

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Final assessment survey

Below there is an example draft of a final summative questionnaire for the “Finances in Every Day Life” course covering the training topics and expected outcomes.

Source: FIL project

In addition, questions related to the participant’s satisfaction with the training contents, delivery and tools could be provided to be used for an implemented ongoing quality improvement process.


The final assessment will bring reliable results about learning outcomes, over-all development and participants´ satisfaction regarding the training course or unit. It will also be a valuable input for adapting courses to improve quality.


To gain the results expected, final assessment has to be prepared and carried out carefully.

Recommended example/ further reading:

Find more about summative assessment and examples –