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“¡Oh no! ¡Otra factura! – Cómo controlar mis gastos”


Should efficient budgeting include both the planning and recording of expenditure?

Is it true, if you conscientiously draw up your budget plan, you can more easily identify unnecessary expenses?

Should the categories of expenditure be very specific?

It's not worth planning your savings, you don't have any influence on it. Is that true?

Do you need a lot of financial knowledge and advanced tools to make a budget?

Is it possible to download for free a ready-made budget sheet or an application on the phone that facilitates financial management?

When planning expenditure, should account be taken of how much money was spent on specific products/services in previous periods?

You can't round up amount of expenses in your budget. It is true?

Will making a shopping list and buying at promotions help you optimise your spending?

Are there ways in which you can make your plans and dreams come true despite the lack of big savings (e.g. holidays abroad) ?